Countries’ postal codes are often used, particularly in internet transactions. As a result, many people are curious about Turkey’s zip code. People use the internet to look for Turkey’s postal code. What is a zip code and how can I obtain one? What is the postal code for Turkey? Here are all of the pertinent details.
Countries and cities determine the postal codes. For the electronic location, these postal codes are crucial. Turkey’s postal code is located in electronic locations by taking into account the provinces and districts. The postal code is also utilized for the provinces of countries because it is crucial in terms of location.
About Turkey, the country is located between Asia and Europe
Turkey or Türkiye, officially the Republic of Türkiye. It is a country located at the juncture of Southeast Europe and West Asia. It is mainly on the Anatolian Peninsula in West Asia, with a small portion called East Thrace on the Balkan Peninsula in Southeast Europe. It borders the Black Sea to the north; Georgia to the northeast
Capital | Istanbul |
Timezone | Turkey Time |
Area | 81,478 km² |
Population | 77.8 million |
Population Density | 954.9 / km² |
Postal Codes | 00000, 00034, 00035 (4,268 more) |
Area Codes | 212, 216, 222 (120 more) |
Currency | Turkish lira |
Language | English, Turkish (official) |
GDP | $ 815,27 billion |

What are the ZIP Codes of Turkish Cities?
The postal code for Turkey has been established to be 38000. Furthermore, Turkey has its area code. The area code for this location is +90. Turkey’s provinces have their postal codes. These postal codes all have five digits. The first two digits are the province’s license plate code. The next three numbers are determined by the district.
Latest Postal Code / Zipcode Turkey | |||
City | Postal code | City | Postal code |
ADANA | 1720 | KONYA | 42390 |
ADIYAMAN | 2300 | KUTAHYA | 43800 |
AGRI | 4900 | MANISA | 45450 |
AKSARAY | 68600 | MARDIN | 47420 |
AMASYA | 5900 | MERSIN | 33280 |
ANTALYA | 7630 | BALIKESIR | 10100 |
ARDAHAN | 75400 | BARTIN | 74300 |
ARTVIN | 8300 | BATMAN | 72200 |
AYDIN | 9760 | BAYBURT | 69500 |
CANKIRI | 18310 | BILECIK | 11300 |
CORUM | 19600 | BINGOL | 12600 |
DENIZLI | 20800 | BITLIS | 13500 |
DIYARBAKIR | 21050 | BOLU | 14910 |
DUZCE | 81650 | BURDUR | 15800 |
EDIRNE | 22700 | BURSA | 16990 |
ELAZIG | 23960 | CANAKKALE | 17860 |
ERZINCAN | 24500 | MUGLA | 48400 |
ERZURUM | 25500 | MUS | 49500 |
ESKISEHIR | 26850 | NEVSEHIR | 50140 |
GAZIANTEP | 27650 | NIGDE | 51600 |
GIRESUN | 28700 | ORDU | 52950 |
GUMUSHANE | 29600 | OSMANIYE | 80500 |
HAKKARI | 30720 | RIZE | 53400 |
HATAY | 31750 | SAKARYA | 54100 |
IGDIR | 76500 | SAMSUN | 55420 |
ISPARTA | 32510 | SANLIURFA | 63500 |
ISTANBUL | 34975 | SIIRT | 56460 |
IZMIR | 35800 | SINOP | 57400 |
KAHRAMANMARAS | 46500 | SIRNAK | 73800 |
KARABUK | 78300 | SIVAS | 58550 |
KARAMAN | 70500 | TEKIRDAG | 59500 |
KARS | 36780 | TOKAT | 60900 |
KASTAMONU | 37970 | TRABZON | 61300 |
KAYSERI | 38830 | TUNCELI | 62600 |
KILIS | 79500 | USAK | 64500 |
KIRIKKALE | 71460 | VAN | 65710 |
KIRKLARELI | 39570 | YALOVA | 77700 |
KIRSEHIR | 40720 | YOZGAT | 66300 |
KOCAELI | 41030 | ZONGULDAK | 67850 |
What Do Turkish Postcodes Look Like?
Turkey has a postal code as well as an international phone number. This zip code is crucial, particularly for electronic businesses. As a result, it should be known. 36780 for Kars, 34975 for Istanbul, and 13500 for Bitlis are some instances.
How Are the Address Format and Structure in Turkey?
For goods to arrive on time and in good condition, the postal code must be typed correctly, completely, and legibly on the shipments in front of the address and destination. The following information should be included in the complete and correct address.
- Name and Surname
- Title (Legal Entity)
- Neighborhood / Village
- Boulevard / Avenue / Street / Location / Site / Block / Building Name / Outer Door No / Floor / Inner Door No
- Postal Code / District /City / Country
It’s critical that the address and postal code are printed in the exact location on the package, and that they’re complete, correct, and legible. The above is an example of a complete, proper, and legible address and zip code on a shipment.
Because address components cannot be put together, it is advised that provinces and districts be separated with a slash (/) and a space between them. The address component’s lines must be separated by at least 1 cm. The address components should be written horizontally, parallel to the envelope’s bottom edge, with a line slant of no more than 5 degrees. Characters in the recipient address box must have a height of greater than 2 mm but less than 6 mm. The characters must be black or blue. (For the recipient address components, capitalization is advised, and the font should be Times New Roman, Arial, 8-9, or 10.)
What are the Abbreviations of Turkish Addresses?
The initials of the words neighborhood, square, boulevard, avenue, and street begin with a capital letter in the titles. In the same way that Papatya mah is the acronym for Papatya Mahallesi (neighborhood) or Denizciler Sokak (street) which is shortened to Denizciler sok. . It can be expressed as Neighborhood (Mah.) for Street (Sok.) for Number (Nu, No.) Apartment (Apt.) Telephone in address writing (tel.).
mah. | Mahallesi | (district-neighborhood) |
MH. | Mahallesi | (district-neighbourhood) |
Blv. | Bulvari | (boulevard) |
cad. | Caddesi | (road-street-avenue) |
cd. | Caddesi | (road-street-avenue) |
SK. | Sokak | (alley-street) |
ap. | Apartment | (apartment) |
kat | Floor | kat – floor. Kat 1 is 2nd floor by the American method |

Postal codes (ZIP codes) are one of the most important parts to use when you are sending or receiving couriers. The postal codes help the mailmen to speed up the sorting and delivery process for your courier to the right address. For example, in a large city like as
Istanbul, lots of crowded street with many similar number of adress or identical names, and in those cases, without correct postal codes (ZIP codes) delivering a parcel could be difficult.These days postal codes have become well-known or subject of curiosity among youths because of the increasing adoption of technology and growth in online shopping habits.
How do you use Postal Codes (ZIP Code) for Turkey while online shopping on Taobao, Amazon, or other Platforms?
The role of postal code of Turkey as well as postal code in the World, they are essential for those who are living in Turkey. With postal code, you can:
Send and receive letters and parcels from Turkey to other countries in the world and vice versa.
Buy online on websites in Turkey and abroad
Payment of international payment cards need to enter the postal code.
Find the nearest postal address via postal code
Find the fastest federal office address
Use postal code to locate your online store

Examples of Address Formats in Turkey
Example 1:
- Abdullah Qadir
- Bahar Caddesi 14/1
- 12600 Adakli
- Bingol turkey
Example 2:

FAQs About Turkey Zip Codes, Post Mail and Tracking
Q1: How do you write a Turkish address?
A1: When writing your mailing address in Turkey, it’s important to include the following information: Your full name. Your district or neighbourhood. Your street address (including the apartment name, block number, building number, apartment number, and floor (kat) number, if applicable)
Q2: Do I need any documents to Turkey?
A2: You need a visa to travel to Turkey.
For tourism or commercial travel of up to 90 days within a 180 day period, obtain a Turkish visa from Turkish missions abroad or from the e-Visa application system prior to arrival.
Q3: Is it safe to go to Turkey
A3: It depends on where in the country you’re travelling, but the majority of destinations in Türkiye are safe and tourist-friendly.
Q4: How long does post take to Turkey?
A4: Posting parcels and letters to Turkey may take 1 to 5 days, depending on the service selected. If you are in a hurry, choose the Express Service, and your parcel or letter will be delivered between 24-72h.
Q5: How can I track my post delivery?
A5: Once you have your tracking number, India Post tracking is easy. The fastest way is to enter your code in the Circuit Package Tracker search above. You can also head to the India Post website and enter your tracking number into the Track Consignment tool.